WWE NXT – Episode 671 “Roadblock” (03.07.2023) (Wrestling Review)



Orlando, Florida

March 7th, 2023


Jailhouse Street Fight
Dijak vs. Tony D’Angelo (w/Channing Lorenzo)

Dijak is awesome and the table spot ruled. Dijak seriously could be main event in NXT. The stipulation here was fine but unneeded. Good weapon use for a brawl and not a bad match. Just don’t know how a face D’Angelo is gonna be. 

3 / 5

Six Man Tag Team Match
Bron Breakker & The Creed Brothers (Brutus Creed & Julius Creed) (w/Ivy Nile) vs. Indus Sher (Sanga & Veer Mahaan) & Jinder Mahal

A fine 6 man tag. Jinder and his team are useless as ever. Bron got to look dominate squashing them and the Creed brothers held their own. I forget that Bron is actually super agile and just doesn’t use it enough. 

2.5 / 5

Singles Match
Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne

What an unimportant match. Both women were behind Rose forever and now that its their time both feel underwhelming. Neither stand out from the other and this match for being part of their feud just felt bland. Half of it was commercials anyway and then it just ended. 

1 / 5

Singles Match
Joe Gacy (w/Ava, Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler) vs. Andre Chase (w/Duke Hudson & Thea Hail)

A short match and Gary wins again. I just don’t see why Gacy wins nonstop when I don’t see him or his faction doing anything of importance. 

1.5 / 5

WWE NXT Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Meiko Satomura

 Satomura looked great here but this didn’t feel like a big match. Satomura is unknown with the NXT crowd still a lot. Perez didn’t come off like a good champ either here getting beat down and having a roll up pin. Some moves here looked brutal others didn’t look great. Fine main event overall though. 

3 / 5

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