Newcastle, England
June 7th, 2003
This got more time than I expected honestly. A decent match that wasn’t great but the crowd was into until the end. A horrible interference finish that came off slow and sloppy.
2 / 5
Another decent match that was just too slow and boring mostly for its length. It got better in spurts but never had a solid pace or anything truly exciting.
1.75 / 5
A watchable and fine match but just never anything special. RVD and Kane were fun with their run though.
2 / 5
This went on for far too long and felt like they just going going through the motions.
1 / 5
Another match that went on for far too long. Dudleyz facing Teddy Hart with Mack and Nowinski was awful as neither man was good enough to help carry Teddy in his moments or even themselves in the match.
1 / 5
A boring match with a horrible feud and story behind it. Stacy Keibler was the only thing that had this match going.
1 / 5
Flair and HBK deserve a medal for helping save this. Flair bled like a pig too. Nash was pretty far past being prime in ring here and it showed. The big spots here worked well but it just dragged some. The ref bumps were a bit excessive too.
2 / 5