What Are The Different Types Of Kratom Strains You Can Attempt To Buy?

Kratom is a plant that grows natively in Southeast Asia, and its leaves have been used for centuries for their beneficial properties. It is so because the plant’s active compounds, called alkaloids, produce various effects when ingested.

In addition, Kratom is a versatile plant with various strains and each strain has benefits and uses. Moreover, the different strains of the kratom leaves are distinguished by their color and origin. In this blog post, we’ll explore what are the different types of kratom strains you can attempt to buy. For more information, check out https://newdawnkratom.com/strains/red-vein-kratom/.

Different Types Of Strains Of Kratom Available In The Market

Maeng Da Strain

Maeng Da kratom is a widely sought-after strain of kratom. It is known for its potent effects and high alkaloid content, making it an excellent choice for experienced kratom users.
It is available in several types, including green vein kratom strains, white vein kratom strains, and red vein kratom strains. Each color represents a different level of potency and effects.

Maeng da is known for its energetic effects and is an excellent choice for people who need an adrenaline boost. For instance, red Maeng Da kratom or red vein kratom strains are the most potent.

Green vein kratom strains are also known for their energizing and mood-enhancing properties. It is an excellent choice for people to help them get through the day.

White vein kratom strains are energizing but more potent than green Maeng Da kratom. White vein kratom is characterized by its white-colored veins and stems. It is known to have a high concentration of mitragynine alkaloids, which are believed to contribute to its potent effects.

White vein kratom is often used as a natural alternative to coffee or other products, as it can boost confidence without providing the adverse side effects associated with caffeine.

Bali Kratom Strain

Bali kratom is another popular strain of Kratom. This strain has originated from the Bali region in Indonesia. Bali kratom powder is available in red, green, and white, each with different potency and effects.

Comparatively, green Bali kratom is less potent than red Bali kratom. This one is the most popular of the many strains and is known for its positive effects on one’s well-being.
It is an excellent choice for people who require to unwind after a long day or to help them relax at night.

Red Bali kratom is characterized by its reddish veins and stems. It is known to have a higher concentration of alkaloids than other strains, which is believed to contribute to its potent effects. It is a popular kratom strain known for its multiple effects.

Moreover, white kratom is the least potent of the three and might be an excellent choice for people requiring relaxing effects.

Borneo Kratom

Borneo kratom is a unique strain of kratom native to the island of Borneo. It is known for its potency and high alkaloid content, making it an excellent choice for experienced kratom users.

Borneo kratom leaves are available in red, green, and white colors, each with different potency and effects. Green Borneo kratom is less potent than red Borneo kratom. White Borneo kratom is the milder of the three.


Malay Kratom

Malay kratom is a popular strain of kratom that is native to Malaysia. Malay kratom leaves are available in green, white, and red colors, each with different concentrations and effects.

Green Malay kratom is known for its long-lasting and stimulating effects. It is an excellent choice for people requiring sustained daily concentration and motivation.
White Malay kratom is more potent than green Malay kratom. Red Malay kratom is the least potent of the three and is known for its multi-benefit effects.

Thai Kratom

Thai kratom is a strain of kratom that is native to Thailand. It is also known for its potent effects and high alkaloid content, making it an excellent choice for experienced kratom users. Thai kratom leaf is available in green, white, and red colors, each with different potency and effects.

Green Thai kratom leaf is known for its overall well-being properties. It is an excellent choice for people needing sustained concentration and good vibes throughout the day.
White Thai kratom is more potent than green Thai, and red Thai kratom is the least potent.


Indo Kratom

Indo-kratom is native to Indonesia. It is available in green, white, and red colors, each with different potency and effects. Red Indo kratom is the least potent, and White Indo kratom is more potent than green Indo kratom.

Horned Kratom

Horned kratom is a kratom strain named after its distinctive horn-like shape. Horned kratom is available in green, white, and red colors, each with different potency and effects.
It is also known for its potent effects and high alkaloid content, making it an excellent choice for experienced kratom users.

Green Horned kratom is an excellent choice for people needing sustained energy gains throughout the day.

White Horned kratom is more potent than Horned green kratom and is known for its amazing effects. Red Horned kratom is the least potent of the three.


Yellow Kratom

Yellow kratom is a type of kratom produced through a unique drying process that combines white and green vein kratom leaves. This process is believed to enhance the alkaloid content and produce an amazing blend.

Yellow kratom is often described as having a balance of different effects, making it a popular choice among users looking for a more moderate experience.
Due to the unique nature of the drying process used to produce yellow kratom, it is not as widely available as other types of kratom. However, it is gaining popularity among kratom enthusiasts looking for a unique and balanced experience.

Choosing The Right Kratom For Your Needs

With so many different kratom strains in the market, choosing the right product from a vendor can be challenging.

The effects of kratom can be very different depending on the strain, color, and potency, and it is essential to consider your specific needs and preferences before making a purchase.

Some things to consider when buying different kratom strains for your needs are mentioned below:

Desired Effects

The first factor to consider is what effects you want to achieve with Kratom. Different strains of Kratom have different effects, and choosing the strain that best suits your needs is essential.

If you are searching for a strain that can help overall well-being, consider red strains such as Red Bali or Red Maeng Da.

If you want a high-quality kratom that can help with profound well-being, you may want to consider green strains such as Green Malay or Green Kratom.


The potency of a kratom strain is another critical factor to consider. Some strains of kratom, like red vein kratom, are more concentrated than others, and it is essential to choose the right potency based on your needs and experience. If you are new to kratom, starting with a less-potent strain and gradually increasing it as needed is recommended.

Kratom strains are often categorized by color, which can indicate the effects and potency of the strain. The primary colors of kratom strains are green, red, and white, with some strains also available in yellow and gold.

Green strains are typically known for their benefits toward overall well-being, and red strains are known for transmitting calmness. White strains are known for their stimulating and mood-enhancing effects.


The origin of a kratom strain can also impact its effects and potency. Different regions of Southeast Asia where kratom is grown can produce different strains with unique properties. For example, Borneo kratom is known for its relaxing and well-being effects, while Thai is known for its beneficial properties.
Personal Preferences

Ultimately, the right kratom strain depends on your preferences and needs. Some people may prefer a particular strain based on its taste, form, or price. It is essential to try different strains and experiment to find the best one for you.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the different types of kratom strains available in the kratom world are:
Maeng Da Kratom
Bali Kratom
Borneo Kratom
Malay Kratom
Thai Kratom
Indo Kratom
Red Horn Kratom
Green Kratom

When buying the best kratom strains, you must carefully research the vendor or the kratom brands and strains of kratom to ensure you’re getting a high-quality product. To ensure authenticity, you can look for their products to be certified by the American kratom association.
However, using the best kratom responsibly and in moderation is crucial to avoid potential side effects. As with any substance, you should always consult a healthcare professional. People also look for best kratom for pain relief as they take kratom to be the cure of illnesses. However, studies on such subjects are still going on and nothing can be entirely claimed as of yet.

Author’s Bio

Alexander Reid

Alexander Reid is a kratom expert and journalist who discovered Kratom about a decade ago. He is a kratom strain enthusiast who has profound knowledge of Kratom and its variety of products that are available in the market. He immensely enjoys delving deep into research and studying Kratom and its various strains. Please reach out to him if you have any questions or comments by emailing: mailto:alexander@newdawnkratom.com. You can also connect with him on twitter- https://twitter.com/Alexand65019433 and LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-reid-6755a5250/.

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