The Great American Bash
Albany, Georgia
July 12th, 1992
A fantastic opening match with 4 of the best workers of their time here. They all played their roles great and kept the match with a good pace that had the crowd going for it.
4 / 5
Freebirds got a lot of heel here but outside of that this just wasn’t anything special.
2 / 5
This was a fine match. It was a bit long and Windham by the end was looking a bit out of it. A few minutes cut would have helped.
3 / 5
Talk about a match that needed a few minutes cut. This had its moments and was fine but by the end everyone including the crowd wanted this to end.
2.5 / 5
This match was awful. There was no chemistry and the crowd didn’t care either.
1 / 5
This was a fine match. Not their best but gave us the story of Sting not realizing what he was facing in Vader and losing the belt.
3 / 5
This match dragged and no one cared. For 98% of it I had a hard time even watching it as it was just prolonged grabs at points.
1 / 5