Warpaint bring an evening of indie rock to Salt Lake City

By Molly McCoy


Warpaint brought their newest tour to The Complex in Salt Lake City. Located in the heart of Salt Lake with its industrial ambiance and spacious set up. It was bound to be an unforgettable night of music. The evening was a highlight of the vastness of indie rock’s diversity, showcasing both new and older artists.

Goldensuns were first to kick off the night. While this was the first time I had heard them, the band is working hard to make a name for themselves in the indie music scene. The trio of brothers who coincidentally are originally from Salt Lake City, brought a dreamy sound to the stage. They went on early so while the crowd may have been slowly filling in the room, everyone that entered was captivated by the smooth vocals and upbeat melodies. They definitely earned a spot on a few of my playlists by the end of the night and I am excited for their return to Utah.

Sego was up next with an energetic and captivating performance. The Los Angeles-based duo, who also happen to be originally from Utah, known for their quirky and innovative approach to indie rock, immediately drew the crowd in with their blend of catchy hooks and danceable beats. Lead singer Spencer, had incredible vocals that were both raw and refined. The vocals were a perfect complement to the intricate guitar work and pulsating drum patterns. Hot off the heels of a newly released album, songs like TANDANG and SURRENDER were definitely energy building and fan favorites going into the headlining set. Sego’s performance was a whirlwind of energy, sound and movement, leaving the audience eager for more.

By the time Warpaint took the stage, the audience was buzzing with anticipation. The all-female quartet, renowned for their experimental and atmospheric sound, did not disappoint. From the opening notes of “Champion,” it was clear that Warpaint was here to deliver an unforgettable performance. Emily Kokal’s haunting vocals and Theresa Wayman’s intricate guitar riffs wove together seamlessly, creating a rich sound that enveloped the venue. Their entire set was backlit and featured a lot of flashing lights, this made taking pictures of their set a little tricky as there was never a steady light source on any of the performers. However, once my three songs were up and I went to the back of the venue I saw the vision. The lighting was perfect for their sound and really helped to create a great ambiance in the venue that matched the sound.

The setlist was a well-curated mix of fan favorites and newer material, including standout tracks like “Elephants” and “New Song.” Each song was played perfectly with passion that spread into the audience, showcasing the band’s tight musicianship and undeniable chemistry. Jenny Lee Lindberg’s bass lines were as groovy and mesmerizing as ever, while Stella Mozgawa’s drumming was nothing short of powerful, driving the band’s sound forward with great energy.

My favorite song of the night was Billie Holiday, the vocals and harmonies that each member contributed toward the song were incredible, it’s a song I will have on repeat in the car for the foreseeable future, that’s for sure.

The night closed with an encore of their newest release “Common Blue,” leaving the audience in awe. Warpaint’s performance was a perfect mix of intensity and intimacy, a journey of their evolution as artists and their amazing ability to connect with their audience.

Warpaint’s show was an incredible story through the diverse sounds of modern indie rock. Sego and Goldensuns proved to be the perfect openers, each bringing their unique style and setting the stage beautifully for Warpaint. The headliners delivered a captivating performance, securing their status as one of the most compelling bands in the genre today. I can’t wait to see them grow more and get more of the recognition they deserve for the artists that they are. Overall the night is sure to be remembered by all in attendance and Salt Lake City is anxiously awaiting the return of warpaint!

Photo Gallery : SEGO – The Complex (05.21.2024)

Photo Gallery : Goldensuns – The Complex (05.21.2024)

Photo Gallery : Warpaint – The Complex (05.21.2024)

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