Up and coming Belgium hardcore band Moments release their new song “The Void”, more to come!

A unique melodic hardcore group based in a small neighborly Belgian town comes a band known as Moments. Moments came to the surface in 2014 with their debut EP titled “Modern Day Life”, and have since released a large plate of songs. Harnessing heavy riffs, punchy and catchy choruses, and heart pounding percussion. Striving to bring the feeling of hope and unity Moments take pride in their lyrical messages. Moments seek to raise awareness for societal issues such as mental health, justice, human rights, freedom of speech, climate change, and other issues. The group is energized with a large list of shows they have performed at events such as Groezrock, Jera On Air, and Summerblast to name a few. Moments has evolved and improved as time has progressed, and now they’re releasing their first song of 2022! Moments bring us their newest song “The Void”, and with the new song saw some changes to the band itself, ushering in a new era of the group. “The Void” was the first single released with Gert-Jan on the vocals. Gert-Jan transitioned from bass to frontman to what seems to be a great idea. The new release came packed with a high production value music video directed by Seppe Germaux. The new song from the Belgium up and comers has been my most replayed song of the year so far. Moments is just getting started with much more planned for the near future with new songs coming in the upcoming months!





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