May 13, 2024

New Fury Media

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Unsigned & on the Rise: oneruggedsoul.


Hailing from New Port Richey, Florida, oneruggedsoul. has emerged with an interesting and unique blend of music. The trio has developed an indescribable sound that is both punk rock and haunting, both raw and refined.



Formed as a solo project by guitarist/vocalist Frank Sherwood, oneruggedsoul. endured many tours as a one-man act before being joined by bassist Jerry T. Higgs and drummer Kurt Werner.

The trio plays to its strengths, creating an air of suspense before oneruggedsoul. takes the stage; the band doesn’t have a look that represents any one style, and often fans have no idea what to expect. As for when the band takes the stage, Sherwood says, “We like to bring a lot of electricity and make people feel something.” What exactly is oneruggedsoul. trying to relate to people? Sherwood rattles off a list of things that he incorporates into his lyrics, including heartbreak, a dislike of the general music industry, love for others, standing up for one’s beliefs, and other day-to-day life choices.

Sherwood believes that oneruggedsoul. is best classified as a progressive post-punk band; at first hearing, this classification seems lengthy and perhaps a tad unnecessary… until you hear the music. oneruggedsoul. is a melting pot of different influences from three very diverse musicians and those influences blend together seamlessly to create songs like “Give ‘Em An Earful,” which moves from a pensive crawl to a jaunt through punk rock territory. The band has been influenced lyrically and musically by an uncountable number of artists including The Gaslight Anthem, Opeth, Jimi Hendrix, Against Me!, and a plethora of influences that contribute to the brilliant sonic experience that is oneruggedsoul.

The most remarkable thing about oneruggedsoul. is how the band manages to make originality seem so effortless. The group claims that its members never sit down with the intention of being a different kind of band. Rather, the group lets its members’ ideas intertwine together and form the music in a natural way. The process gives oneruggedsoul. a very natural feel, as if passion rules the songwriting.

oneruggedsoul. has no set timetable for new material or shows. Sherwood says that the band’s goals are to “take it one show at a time, finally get this record done and mastered, and get more merchandise to provide for our fans.” oneruggedsoul. is a band doing its best to do what its members love on their own terms; that fact is evident in Sherwood’s closing remarks of our interview. When asked what advice he might give to an aspiring musician, he advised a band to play and learn from bad shows, but, more importantly, to stand up for itself when it is wronged by a promoter, manager, or other person involved in the industry. Sherwood noted that “the only thing worse than your music sucking is a musician with no spine for what they’ve created,” advising bands to work hard and then to fight for what they have earned.

oneruggedsoul. is excited for 2014 and encourages fans to come to a show and party with the band.


New Fury Media