Top Ten Songs: Tool/A Perfect Circle

The Donnas preform at Lollapalooza 2003

Storytime! Tool and A Perfect Circle have been two of my favorite bands for as long as I can remember – though recently, my fiancee Kayla and her love of both bands have caused me to look deeper into their music. There’s plenty of reasons why, but they both make great music that’s enjoyable for equally disparate and similar reasons. APC’s “Thirteenth Step” in particular hits home for me because I’ve had family members and close friends grapple with addiction (the album title and the album itself is about the different perspectives of addiction and recovery) and while it’s not something I’ve ever really experienced myself, it’s still a sad thing to see someone struggling with various addictions.

And then you have Tool. I could choose any one of their four excellent albums – but I’ll go with 1996’s “Aenima”. It’s so angry, yet introspective. It’s also one of the first albums I listened to when I was younger that pushed me beyond nu-metal (even though that’s probably still my favorite genre today).

How do you choose your 10 favorite Tool/APC songs? It’s tough – but I’m going to do it. Check it out after the jump. I’ll also include a line from the song and/or a little about why it sticks out to me. There may be a surprise at the end, too.

Disclaimer: It should be noted these are my favorite songs – not an objective list of the best. That kind of list would take forever to write.

#10: “10,000 Days (Wings, Part II)”

“10,000 days in the fire is long enough.
You’re going home…
You are the light, the way,
that they will only read about.”

#9: “Forty Six & 2”


First Tool song I ever was really hooked on. Definitely one of their most notable songs – but that isn’t a good reason to dismiss it.

#8: “Swamp Song”


You can’t get much angrier than a line like “You’re dancing in quicksand. I hope it sucks you down.”


#7: “The Outsider”

“Why would I wanna watch you… 
Disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time?
What’s your rush now? Everyone will have his day to die.”


#6: “3 Libras”

Probably the best song about not being noticed by the one person you want to acknowledge your existence, ever. Hyperbole, maybe, but it’s an emotionally affecting song if you’ve been in that situation. Like me, all the time.

“Difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed, and passed over 
When I’ve looked right through, see you naked but oblivious. 
And you don’t see me.”


#5: “Vicarious”

“Cause I need to watch things die, from a distance
Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
You all need it too, don’t lie”

#4: “Blue”

I think of my lady every time I hear this. It is beautiful.

“Call an optimist, she’s turning blue 
Such a lovely color for you 
Call it aftermath, she’s turning blue 
While I just sit and stare at you.”


#3: “Ticks and Leeches”

I listen to Tool for the music, too. Listen to the drum performance by Danny Carey on this song. It’s nothing short of brilliant.

#2: “Stinkfist”

“Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
Relax, turn around and take my hand.”

#1D: “Schism”

First Tool song I heard, period. The video still makes no sense, and I doubt it ever will.

#1C: “Magdalena”

“So pure, so rare
To witness such an earthly goddess
That I’ve lost my self control
Beyond compelled to throw this dollar down before your
Holiest of altars”

#1B: “Weak And Powerless”

“Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I’ll never hear a word you say
He promised I would find a little solace
And some piece of mind
Whatever just as long as I don’t feel so desperate and ravenous.”

#1A: “Jambi”

I could go in-depth as to why the last 4 songs mean so much to me, but I’ll leave that to mystery. “Jambi” is my favorite Tool/APC song, though, because of the addictiveness of the song, the lyrics, and everything else. Maynard’s best vocals on this album are found here, in this listener’s opinion. Don’t let the critics down your opinion of 10,000 Days. It’s on par with Aenima and Lateralus.

“Here from the king’s mountain view
Here from a wild dream come true
Feast like a sultan I do
On treasures and flesh, never few.

But I, I would wish it all away.
If I thought I’d lose you just one day.


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