This Day In Music History: October 30th, 2006 – Bring Me The Horizon releases debut album, ‘Count Your Blessings’

While the band is certainly far different than when they first started out, Bring Me The Horizon’s debut album Count Your Blessings is still an important part of the band’s story. The album’s extremely heavy deathcore-influenced sound was almost immediately phased out by the time BMTH released Suicide Season in 2008, which was the band’s true breakout moment.

Still, Count Your Blessings is an essential listen for any Bring Me The Horizon fan – it’s intriguing to see how the band has evolved over the years, as they’ve jumped genres multiple times. Certainly, their evolution has been what the edge of their seats were made for. Pray For Plagues, indeed. And one thing that’s particularly notable is this. Unlike future albums they’d release, Count Your Blessings is completely devoid of anything resembling actual singing. That’s one aspect that makes their sea change in sound such a shocking one, because if you were there for the band’s earliest beginnings, thinking they’d ever have any kind of pop influence probably seemed ridiculous at the time.

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