This Day In Music History: June 21st, 2011 – The Story So Far explodes with pop-punk debut album ‘Under Soil And Dirt’

Every few years it seems there’s a new wave of pop-punk // alt-rock bands that emerge onto the music scene. Sometimes, they’re centered on major labels, but other times more independent ones. A new wave of bands in the genre began to emerge in 2009-2011, with labels like Run For Cover Records, Pure Noise Records, and No Sleep Records leading the charge. While some of those bands arguably don’t play pop-punk anymore, there’s also plenty that do, despite experimenting along the way.

The Story So Far was one of the biggest success stories of 2011, with their debut album Under Soil And Dirt. While the album wasn’t an immediate success compared to albums that they released in the future, it didn’t take long for the music scene to catch wind of what the band was doing. In fact, the hype around the band started building to an extent that was almost overwhelming. The Story So Far nailed the test, of course. Some of the band’s biggest songs of their career are found on this record, including live staple “High Regard” and “Quicksand”. Plus, with a vocalist whose name is Parker Cannon, how could they not be popular?

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