This Day In Music History: June 16th, 2017 – Hundredth switches gears with shoegazey alt-rock on ‘Rare’

Some of the most interesting albums in history are those that decided to make a left turn when they could have gone straight ahead. History is littered with these kinds of albums, with bands like Linkin Park, Deftones, and Radiohead experiencing this. It often accompanies a serious change in sound, songwriting, and/or major personnel changes that spur these kinds of records. Occasionally, these kinds of albums might come about from a desire to change an established sound that the band members feel like they’ve moved on from.

In the case of Hundredth’s Rare, the shift was abrupt even for the most in-the-know Hundredth fans. The move from a melodic hardcore sound to one that echoes the likes of Catherine Wheel, Ride, and even Interpol? That’s quite the change.

Released on June 16th, 2017, Hundredth made the switch work. Each of Rare’s twelve songs comes with a distinct identity. Whether it’s the Silversun Pickups-esque “Neurotic” (replete with a faster tempo reminiscent of their past) or the endlessly catchy opener “Vertigo”, it’s the album Hundredth was always meant to release.

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