MLW Underground – Episode 8 (03.28.2023) (Wrestling Review)

MLW Underground Philadelphia, Pennsylvania March 28th, 2023   Singles Match Real1 vs. Microman  More of an angle than a match. Real1 is fine on mic but its the same thing he’s done forever.  1 / 5 Singles Match Mike Law vs. AKIRA Squash .5 / 5 Singles Match Davey Boy Smith Jr. (w/Mark Billington & Thomas Billington) vs. Alex Kane (w/Mr. Thomas) A very…

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MLW Underground – Episode 10 (04.11.2023) (Wrestling Review)

MLW  Underground Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 11th, 2023   Dumpster Match Matthew Justice vs. Real1 vs. Mance Warner vs. Microman Not a total squash but mainly just a beat down on Enzo. Was fine in parts but too long.  1.5 / 5 No Ropes Catch Wrestling Match Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Alex Kane (w/Mr. Thomas) MLW doing bloodsport matches now. This was fine though….

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MLW Underground – Episode 009 (04.04.2023) (Wrestling Review)

MLW Underground Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  April 4th, 2023   Hardcore Match Rickey Shane Page (w/AKIRA & Raven) vs. 1 Called Manders A fine hardcore match. The tack spot looked brutal and there was some good blood. They ran through it all quick so it stayed super fast paced.  3 / 5 Open The Twin Gate Title Match Natural Vibes (BIG BOSS Shimizu & Kzy)…

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