RPW “Take As Needed For Pain” (06.17.2023) (Wrestling Review)

RPW (Ruthless Pro Wrestling)

Take As Needed For Pain

Berwyn, IL

June 17th, 2023


RPW Tag Team Title Lucha Rules Match
Midwest Scum (Dread King Logan & Zach Thomas) (c) vs. The Bruisers (Mitch Malik & Robert Ketcham)

A fun opening match. More on the brutal side with a lot of the table and chair spots looking heavy and hard. Quick and good pacing with some blood and a fun way to kick the show off. 

3 / 5

Death Match
Otis Cogar vs. Eric Dillinger

A really fun bloody match. Both guys took some good damage and a lot of great spots. Crowd was beyond into this too. 

4 / 5

Death Match
Bobby Beverly vs. Dr. Redacted

A fun match between these two but not as over the top or insane as I’d have expected given who it was. The quick pin roll up was unexpected and out of nowhere. Would love to see these two fight again. 

3 / 5

ICW American Deathmatch World Title Match
Hoodfoot (c) vs. Satu Jinn

A bloody brawl with Hoodfoot and Satu. Hoodfoots back was coated by the end of this and it was a great showing between both guys. 

3 / 5

RPW Kamikaze Title Three Way Death Match (vacant)
Mickie Knuckles vs. Schwartzy vs. Reed Bentley

A fun 3 way match with some good spots but a bit too much downtime or confusion it seems. Some spots came off sort of sloppy like no one knew what was going on. Not familiar with Schwartzy or anything so him being here was the odd man for me. 

2.75 / 5

RPW Deathmatch Title Match
Randi West (c) vs. Remington Rhor

A solid deathmatch here. A few good spots but just wasn’t big into this at all and not a fan of the finish. 

2 / 5

Four Way Death Match
Abdullah Kobayashi vs. John Wayne Murdoch vs. Atticus Cogar vs. Tommy Vendetta

A fun but quick main event. They packed a lot into 9 minutes here though. Throwing other stories into this to have the finish just be two guys felt a bit cheap though but this was a good bloody deathmatch anyway. 

3.5 / 5

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