Supercard Of Honor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
April 5th, 2024
This was a fine. A match pretty much filled with people who are newer or who aren’t doing much.
2 / 5
A good power vs speed match. Just a fun no background type match here.
3.5 / 5
Dumb story aside this was just fine. Having the team going for vengeance here lose to a team who does nothing makes no sense.
3 / 5
A prolonged squash match as it never felt May in actually in any danger of losing.
2.5 / 5
Fletcher looked ridiculous here. He’s good in ring but just needs that extra something to push him forward. This was a really good match though. Great action and spots and a good title opener for the PPV.
3.5 / 5
A Stardom showcase match here. All action and spots pretty much nonstop which had the crowd really into it.
3.75 / 5
Champs retain and the crowd doesn’t get a happy ending which is a theme in ROH sometimes. This was a fine match really but they just aren’t interesting champs.
2.5 / 5
Starkz deserved this and I really like the final spot to win. Really followed the do anything to win heel tactics they are building for her.
3.5 / 5
A random team who had no shot here put together for the belts. This was fun and exactly what you’d expect.
3 / 5
This was weird. A mix of serious and comedy spots. The celebrity guest spots and the boys making their appearance just had such different tones here.
2.5 / 5
Athenas been a champ so long no one thought she’d lose it here. At least Shida felt like someone coming from AEW with a chance to.
3.5 / 5
Feel good end to the show here. Good bloody match as expected even if the guys against each other didn’t have a real heel vs babyface feel.
3.5 / 5