Review: “New Again” by Myka Relocate


Myka Relocate are back and better than ever in single “New Again” in preparation for new album, “The Young Souls”, out October 30, 2015.

Post debut album “Lies to Light the Way”, it’s no question that there are high expectations when it comes to the Houston, Texas band. “New Again” has every reason to make you have the same expectations for the new record.

Myka Relocate has always had that hard hitting sound and this is no exception when it comes to “New Again”. The chorus is uplifting and catchy without being too poppy as some metalcore bands can bring with clean vocals. Michael Swank has perfected what he does and brought this unique aspect back into the new album.

The theme of the song seems to be about getting over what those have told you that you can’t do something, and this is a big middle-finger up to those people and even yourself if you ever believed you’d never make it with lyrics like, “If I never found a way to fall / then I wouldn’t be here at all / So brush it off and don’t pretend / I’ve got the feeling that I’m new again”, and “Let’s strike a match and we can burn away your old life / We’ll start a new one and we’ll treat it like a deadline”, you can see that they’re still bringing an uplifting and more positive theme to the table.

All in all, the song is a great addition to their already impressive discography, and I can’t wait to hear what else there is in store for Myka Relocate.

You can preorder the album here at MerchNow, and check out the single below.

Written by Annabel Schwartz



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