It’s been a long, long wait for Reflections fans. Over 4 years after the release of The Color Clear, in which time the band went on an extended radio silence, many metalcore trends have passed them by. Of course, one listen to their new song, “From Nothing”, dispels all notions of any sort of slump or irrelevant time passage. Reminiscent of both old and new eras of the band, this is a BIG deal.
It almost seems like Reflections are just arriving back to where they left off in late 2015. The Color Clear was a strong indicator that the band’s best work was yet to come. Adding strong post-black metal and ambient influences into their tech-laden brand of metalcore really helped the band earn their greatest accolades to date, but sadly the band went relatively AWOL during this time.
It seems the wait was worth it, though. And that’s not all! The band’s new album, Willow, drops in February.