Photo/Video Set: Warped Tour 2016 – Pomona, CA & Phoenix, AZ


Vans Warped Tour is one of those legendary festivals that always hosts some of the best bands in the rock/metal/hardcore scene. Warped 2016 was no exception by the slightest! It was filled with good times, friends, bands, mosh pits, stage dives, high fives, fun in the sun & great memories among other things. I had the opportunity to cover both the Pomona, CA & Phoenix, AZ dates of the tour.

Below is a recap video of both days along with photo galleries of the bands: Volumes, Every Time I Die, The Color Morale, Chelsea Grin, Whitechapel, Vanna, Waka Flocka, Motionless In White, Gideon, Oceans Ate Alaska, Veil of Maya, In Hearts Wake & Cruel Hand.


Volumes is one of those bands that not only sounds great on their records but also has an INSANE live performance. Warped Tour was no exception for them. They had possibly the most energy filled set of the night. Playing groovy tracks such as “The Mixture” “Feels Good” & “Wormholes” got the pit opened up and people bouncing all throughout the crowd! View my recap video above to see it yourself. 


E V E R Y   T I M E   I   D I E

I had the honor to shoot ETID’s set both dates that I was at Warped Tour, and both performances were absolutely flawless. If you’ve never seen Every Time I Die live, you need to do yourself a favor and go check them out. The whole band was jumping and running around the stage their entire set. Along with their vocalist Keith Buckley jumping into the crowd, getting into kids faces and screaming the lyrics. Their signature track “Bored Stiff” is always intense and gets the pit opened up every time.


T H E   C O L O R   M O R A L E 

The Color Morale are a very unique band due to their very very personal performance style. Vocalist Garret Rapp encourages fans to crowdsurf to the stage, grab the mic and actually become part of the show. Their melodic sound & motivational lyrics makes for a very feel-good performance that has impacted many kids on this tour. They had a great performance in Phoenix, AZ and totally dominated the stage.


C H E L S E A   G R I N 

If you’ve ever seen Chelsea Grin live then you know how to describe their performances, BRUTAL, VIOLENT & HEAVY! If you came to Warped Tour to mosh, this is the band you came to see for sure. However, despite their brutal sound, Chelsea Grin also manage to maintain a tasty groove along with catchy melodic riffs that will stick in your head. In addition, vocalist Alex Koehler’s vocalists are sounding more solid than ever, definitely an impressive band that was one of the highlights of Warped Tour.


W H I T E C H A P E L 

Whitechapel are one of those bands that sound solid every single time they perform. Their punishing heavy tone can be recognized from a mile away. In addition, Phil Bozeman’s vocals are always a truly incredible experience. His low range of screams are unmatched and extremely distinct. The crowd went wild during their set and the pit was opened up during their entire performance.


V A N N A 

Vanna’s performances at both dates of Warped were incredible. Possibly my favorite band on the entire tour. They played an extremely intimate set which included vocalist Davey Muise and guitarist Joel Pastuszak jumping into the middle of a giant circle pit while performing. Davey also made a heartwarming speech about the importance of Warped Tour on top of the sound booth with the whole crowd around him. (VIEW VIDEO ABOVE) Vanna are a band that truly aims to entertain their viewers and make an impact on the scene, and they did JUST that on this year’s Warped Tour.


M O T I O N L E S S   I N   W H I T E 

Motionless In White brought a very unique dark & theatrical style to Warped Tour that definitely stood out. Bringing a nice mixture of symphonic melodies and heavy metalcore riffs, the crowd was loving it. Chris Motionless is a great frontman & entertainer and knows how to get the crowd going. They’re definitely one of my favorite bands to photograph as their style makes for very awesome looking shots. See for yourself below!


G I D E O N 

Gideon had killer sets both in Pomona, CA & Phoenix, AZ this year at Warped Tour. Their catchy style of groovy metalcore had the whole crowd bouncing and jumping in the pit. Their riffs and beats stick in your hear and leave you wanting more. They’re also really fun to photograph due to the entertaining stage performance from vocalist Daniel McWhorter. Their heavy & groovy sound was definitely a highlight of the tour.


O C E A N S   A T E   A L A S K A 

Oceans Ate Alaska from the UK absolutely killed it at their Phoenix, AZ performance at Warped Tour. Playing their unique brand of technical metalcore, their music was intricate yet very catchy and easy to bang your head to. They played early in the day but still got the pit opened up wide during their set. There’s something about these guys that I can only describe as FRESH. You’ll have to see them live to see for yourself. Also want to thank OAA for inviting me to Phoenix to shoot their set, awesome guys!


V E I L   O F   M A Y A 

Veil Of Maya brought a blistering performance to Pomona this year at Warped Tour that both musicians and causal listeners alike enjoyed. They have a unique mix of technical metal and catchy melodic rock that leaves their songs playing over and over in your head. They also bring quite a bit of energy for a band with such complex music. Veil Of Maya has been a personal favorite of mine to see live for years, and they only get better with time. I had a blast shooting their set and hope to shoot their set again soon!


I N   H E A R T S   W A K E

The Aussies in In Hearts Wake played an amazing early afternoon performance at the Pomona, CA date of Warped Tour. Arguably one of the most fun & entertaining sets all day. They threw Croc & Shark floaties into the crowd and crowd surfed during their set. Not only did they bring the party, but they also brought their unique brand of atmospheric metalcore with extremely catchy hooks and choruses. Listen to the track “Earthwalker” and you’ll be blown away. This was my first time shooting their set and I had an absolute blast. I’d love to do it again sometime.


C R U E L   H A N D

Cruel Hand was one of the most standout bands of Warped Tour being the only traditional hardcore band on the tour. Their groovy and trashy hardcore style had the crowd tearing it up in the pit their whole set. They absolutely killed it and the crowd’s response reflected that. Many of the people watching them seemed to be big fans and knew every word in their songs. Always a fun band to see live due to their intense energetic performance.


M I S C   P H O T O S


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