April 24, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Over 500,000 Spongebob Squarepants fans petition the NFL to play “Sweet Victory” at Super Bowl 53 Halftime Show

While Spongebob Squarepants creator Stephen Hillenburg sadly passed away last week at the young age of 57, his mark on pop culture, hundreds of memes, and one of the biggest cartoons of all time, won’t ever be forgotten. Could his mark also be left on football fans everywhere?

Probably not, sadly, but a petition to have “Sweet Victory” play at the SB53 halftime show is gaining steam. In just under a week, over 550,000 people (and counting) have signed the petition to make this happen. Currently, Maroon 5 is set to play the Super Bowl 53 halftime show, but let’s be honest here, there’s many better options – especially not the vocalist of a band that thinks rock music is “nowhere“.

Of course, maybe Born Of Osiris could play, too?

New Fury Media