Wrestle Kingdom 17
Tokyo, Japan
Jan. 4th, 2023
3 minute bout here. More technical legit wrestling here and it was fine but would want it to see it in a longer match to see if it works.
1.5 / 5
A decent rumble. At a half hour it didn’t drag but it never was super intriguing. The bigger names had their moments but that was about it.
2.5 / 5
A slow match that got completely ruined by the ending. A sloppy rushed ending where they couldn’t get any move going so it just took a less than mediocre match and made it worse.
1.5 / 5
A fun spot filled tag match. Some of the moves do look a bit over the top but this was a fun and quick 10 minute match here that never really slowed down the pace.
3.5 / 5
A womens title match that got just barely 5 minutes. It was really good and I wish we could have seen more. Mercedes Moné ( aka Sasha Banks) made her debut post match and messed up her move.
3.5 / 5
A short match but still good. A bit shocking at the title change but a solid match here. Could have used a bit more time so instead they kept it super fast paced here mostly.
3.5 / 5
Another shocking winner here but a very slick submission based match. At under 15 minutes they went through this quickly so it never become a slower based match and ZSJ continues to be such a joy to watch.
3.5 / 5
Some decent moments here and honestly better than expected. A horrendous finish though that looked terrible as it didn’t actually connect.
2.5 / 5
Honestly just a fine trios match. Nothing amazing and somewhat instantly forgettable but not bad but any means.
2.75 / 5
Quite enjoyed this one. A lot of good action and spots here with some close falls through it that kept you going. Didn’t overstay its welcome either.
3.5 / 5
A classic plain and simple. There was story, drama, big spots, and it felt super important. Will bleeding here worked perfectly and Omega played all the big spots with a style that is only his. This is something that will be talked about for years and proves why both men are at the top of wrestling.
5 / 5
A good main event following a fantastic match. A slower burn type of match I thought that saved the bigger moments and close falls towards the end for when it mattered most. Told a good in ring story here as well.
4.25 / 5