NJPW Strong “Resurgence” 2023 (Wrestling Review)

NJPW Strong


Long Beach, California

May 21st, 2023


Singles Match
Bateman vs. The DKC

An okay opening match. Not huge on the roll up ending but other than that it was good especially given they were doing the match in front of a venue maybe 5% full. 

2 / 5

Singles Match
Christopher Daniels vs. Alex Coughlin

Good match here and I’ve said it before but Coughlin is straight money across the board. Good match here and showcased himself well. Daniels as the vet here works great and becomes a credible guy to beat for young guys. 

3 / 5

Tag Team Match
El Barbaro Cavernario & Virus vs. TMDK (Bad Dude Tito & Zack Sabre Jr.)

A really good match with a lot of good action from both sides. Either team could have won and we got a shocking out of nowhere finish here that worked great. 

3.75 / 5

NJPW STRONG Women’s Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer

Never did I think Mone was losing this. However Vaquer came off here looking great. Some spots here looked brutal as well but I still am not huge on Mones finisher. It just requires alot of work from both sides to look good. 

3 / 5

NJPW STRONG Women’s Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Willow Nightingale vs. Momo Kohgo

A really good match here with Willow and Momo. Both women looked great, like stars, and had good back and forth action. Close calls here which I thought could go either way too. 

4 / 5

Street Fight
Fred Rosser vs. Juice Robinson

So this was a really solid street fight minus one huge thing. Rosser forcibly kissing Storm when she ran in was super off putting especially given that even commentary said that he was doing it “without her consent”. Everyone knows Rosser is openly gay for one thing but they could have done something else here where they didn’t have to run this angle and commentary didn’t have to say during and after the match that it was a forced kiss without consent. Otherwise this was fun, Juice bled great, and even with the few spots that didn’t work was still fun. 

3.5 / 5

NJPW STRONG Openweight Title Match
Hikuleo (c) vs. KENTA

This was a fine brawl, if not generic. Good big final spot. However its ruined by having the title change due to a count out which was only explained as it was happening. 

2 / 5

Six Man Tag Team Match
CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Rocky Romero & Tomohiro Ishii) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta) & Shota Umino

A fun big spot match. Everyone got their moments in and we got stuff like Mox disrupting Okadas big moment. This was exactly what you expected it would be. 

3.5 / 5

NJPW STRONG Women’s Title Tournament Final Match (vakant)
Mercedes Mone vs. Willow Nightingale

A really good match here with these two. Mercedes got hurt and appeared to have broke her ankle so I’m not sure if the outcome was changed but it certainly wasn’t expected. Losing doesn’t hurt Mones and Willow is great in ring so this helps her a ton. 

3.5 / 5

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