New hardcore supergroup Smoke AxD drops first single “Smoke All Day”

A new hardcore supergroup has emerged, mixing their love of hardcore and marijuana. Featuring Hoya Roc (ex Madball), Lord Ezec (Crown of Thornz, Skarhead), guitarist Sean Martin (Hatebreed, Twitching Tongues), and long time friend and drummer, Dimi Douvas (Crown of Thornz, Stillsuit) the band consists of friends of Roc from the hardcore scene. The band’s first single “Smoke All Day” is out now with a 5 song EP coming spring 2024 on Hoya’s label “Casa De Roc”.

Lyrically, the band is about positive vibes and overcoming life’s many obstacles. Hoya and his bandmates have all been through their share of life, love, and loss over the years.  Musically, he describes their songs as heavy, metallic and with a doomy urban groove, that will, as he says: “Take motherfuckers heads off!”.

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