So Emarosa, a band that went from hardcore screaming on the This Is Your Way Out EP (hard to believe Chris Roetter of Like Moths To Flames was the vocalist then) to beautiful clean vocals (Relativity and Emarosa era) is back at it again. With currently 3 singles out they are looking better than ever. Stay tuned after the jump to hear what we think. We’re super stoked on this release – but you’ll want to take a listen for yourself and decide.
With Jonny Craig in Slaves you may be wondering who is the vocalist for the band now. Bradley Walden, of the band Squid The Whale, has stepped up and became an amazing front man. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jonny but I have fell in love with new Emarosa almost immediately. If the rest of the album sounds like the singles then we are in for a treat!
You can check out one of the new singles, entitled “People Like Me, We Just Don’t Play” below.