Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling
Forged In Excellence Night One
Ontario, Canada
Oct. 19th, 2024
A fantastic six man tag match. A lot of action and big spots (some that not even the camera could catch because of how much was happening) and everyone came out of this good. A hot opening match.
4 / 5
This was solid, nothing amazing but a good match. QT is a great wrestler who can put on solid matches with anyone even if his “character” isn’t great.
3 / 5
This was fun with a lot happening squished inside of a 6 minute match.
3 / 5
Goofy in parts and they had to set up for spots in obvious ways but a fun match with good action.
3 / 5
A very good big man type match. Jake Something is always impressive in ring and this had its surprising moments.
3.5 / 5
Crowd was into it despite the fact they did limited moves and had a horrible table spot.
1.5 / 5
A very stiff womens match but both women looked great here in this killer back and forth.
4 / 5
A classic for both men. Hard hitting, great spots, great pacing, and a fantastic main event for the night.
5 / 5