Misery Signals begin work on their 5th full-length album – listen to a teaser of new music

In 2004, a landmark album by the name of Of Malice And The Magnum Heart was released, by a band named Misery Signals. Full stop: if you’ve heard it once, or enjoy any sort of modern metalcore, you know how influential the record is. If not, scroll down below and listen to “Five Years” – and then finish the whole thing. You won’t regret it.

While the band hasn’t released an album since 2013’s crowd-funded Absent Light, their 4 studio albums to date have been nothing but quality despite the often long wait in between. And now that original vocalist Jesse Zaraska is back in the fold for his first appearance on a MS record in 15 years, anticipation is sure to reach a fever pitch now that the band is recording new material for their 5th full-length album, teased earlier today on socials. That’s a cause for excitement, as the world could certainly use their key influence on many of today’s popular hardcore and metalcore bands.

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