Mirrorcell merge alt-metalcore with ’90s aesthetic on debut single “Bleach”

Conjuring up an imaginary and alternate universe where perhaps they’re touring alongside bands like Filter, Stabbing Westward, or even Pitchshifter, newcomers Mirrorcell have combined both the aesthetics of ’90s alternative bands and an electronic-heavy metalcore sound that will likely grab you right away. Think a bit of newer Northlane or Void Of Vision influence with a heavy dose of The Crow, if that makes sense.

The band’s debut single, “Bleach”, is only the beginning. With a string of single releases being planned and scheduled for release throughout the rest of 2023 (and beyond), Mirrorcell’s reach is almost certain to be a far-reaching one. More than just an evolution of past musical endeavors, it’s also a rebirth of sorts.

And as Nate Cell noted, ‘”Bleach,” from the listener’s point of view, can be perceived in many ways. I think, at its core, “Bleach” deals with the social and mental extremities we can find ourselves in at times. Whether that be mentally struggling with PTSD or depression stemming from early on in life, as well as the struggle with chemical imbalances and physical self-love, on the flip side, you can also perceive the song as a spiritual or mental cleansing, beginning a new life separate from the pain and struggles that may have lingered before from something or someone.”

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