A Different Shade Of Awesome: Man crowdsurfs to the stage during Knocked Loose’s set in Atlanta – watch

Knocked Loose are currently enjoying a huge year, headlining a major tour on the backs of their new album A Different Shade Of Blue, and while the band might not quite be everyone’s cup of tea (ding dong, your opinion is WRONG though), there’s no disputing that Knocked Loose is one of many bands bringing new life into what heavy music can be.

Even better is the fact that the band draws a diverse fanbase, and at the band’s show last night in Atlanta, a crowdsurfer – with the help of an equally awesome crowd – helped the person all the way to the front of the stage during Knocked Loose’s set. In other words, this is a minute out of your day you won’t want to get back – because it truly warms the heart to know that anyone can enjoy music.

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