Let’s Talk Wrestling : MLW Fusion Alpha #10 “On Thanksgiving” (Review)


Fusion Alpha #10

Philadelphia, PA

Nov. 25th, 2021



MLW Opera Cup 2021 Semi Final Match
TJP vs. Calvin Tankman

TJP took some hits for Tankman. Tankman while still green in spots look good overall and has tons of potential. The real flaw for the match is how painfully dumb and blind the ref had to play to ignore any run ins happening. Just took such a painful hit to the match once that happened. 

2.5 / 5

Singles Match
Gnarls Garvin vs. Budd Heavy

 A squash match and a sloppy looking one at that. 

.5 / 5

MLW National Openweight Title Five Way Ladder Match (vacant)
Alex Shelley vs. ACH vs. Zenshi vs. Myron Reed vs. Alex Kane (w/Mr. Thomas)

A shorter and somewhat bland ladder match. Zenshi really was the only one that truly shined here pulling out some very unique and cool spots that I haven’t seen before. A lot of it just felt like set ups for spots that never happened or didn’t deliver though. 

2.5 / 5

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