Let’s Talk Wrestling : Impact Wrestling “Hard To Kill” (2022) (Review)

Impact Wrestling

Hard To Kill

Dallas, Texas




Singles Match
Madman Fulton vs. Jake Something

Mad Man looked good pulling Jake Something around since he’s a bigger guy. The match itself was quick though and nothing super impressive. 

1.5 / 5

Four Way Match
Laredo Kid vs. Mike Bailey vs. Ace Austin vs. Chris Bey

A fun spot filled match. This was what everyone would expect from these guys. A bit sloppy at times or standing around too long to set up the spots but its fun. Laredo Kid came off looking great and Ace Austin as always shines when he’s in a spot match. 

3 / 5

Ultimate X Match
Alisha Edwards vs. Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Chelsea Green vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Lady Frost

A somewhat lackluster Ultimate X match. Most of it was just set up for spots but nothing ever flowed smooth. Moves from climbing to the X usually ending up either missing the camera or as a botch. The end was a cool ending as an idea but the winner did nothing to make this an exciting finish. 

1.5 / 5

Impact X-Division Title Match
Trey Miguel (c) vs. Steve Maclin

There were some really great spots here that came off looking brutal. It had its slow moments that killed the momentum it had started to gain though. It could have been cut off a few minutes too that would help streamline it. 

3 / 5

ROH World Title Pure Rules Match
Jonathan Gresham (c) vs. Chris Sabin

While I’m usually not a big fan of Gresham or ROH Pure Title rules matches this was really good. It didn’t feel like it dragged and Sabin actually gave a fighting chance. While we know Gresham likely won’t be dropping the ROH title at all this was an entertaining Pure Match defense. 

3.5 / 5

Singles Match
Josh Alexander vs. JONAH

Josh Alexander is either a great match or something I’d rather skip it seems. While the first half of the match here dragged some it really picked up in the second half. With some heavy moves and good close falls with back and forth action. Alexander really had to put it all out there because of the size difference. Hoss came out looking great though as well and could really do something here even from a loss. 

3.5 / 5

Hardcore War Ten Man Tag Team Match
Eddie Edwards, Heath, Rhino, Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs. The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) & Violent By Design (Deaner, Eric Young & Joe Doering)

While the beginning of the match didn’t really do much for me it picked up once everyone had really entered in. At times it did feel almost too chaotic just for the sake of being chaotic though. Some fun spots here though and a fast moving second half helped it get through. The best part was the ROH invasion that happened after the match though. 

3 / 5

Impact World Title Three Way Match
Moose (c) vs. Matt Cardona vs. W. Morrissey

A very story heavy brawl. It had its moments but felt like sluggish almost to get through. They could have taken out a ref bump too and lost nothing. The ending worked for the story and Cardona especially came out looking good but it wasn’t anything impressive. 

2 / 5

Impact Knockouts Title Texas Death Match
Mickie James (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo

I’ve never seen a stipulation take the energy out of the crowd as this did. Requiring a pin AND 10 count to win took the energy out the crowd each time it happened. This was a fun spot brawl though that picked up some towards the end. James and Deonna both had their moments and bled some but James winning does nothing for either. 

2 / 5

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