Let’s Talk Wrestling : GCW Homecoming Night One (2021) Review


Homecoming Night One


Atlantic City, New Jersey



Marko Stunt vs. Starboy Charlie
Good opener and moved along at a fast pace with the crowd heavy behind it. Just not a fan of Stunt at all and Starboy hasn’t done anything to super impress me much. Still the match worked well between the two. 3 / 5
Tony Deppen vs. Ninja Mack
Decent match with Mack and Deppen trading flips and counters. Some good spots later in the match too but most of this was just Mack flipping as much as possible. Still enjoyable and Deppen is always fun to watch. 3 / 5
AJ Gray vs. Nolan Edward
While its known I’m not an AJ Grey fan, this might be one of his best matches. Nolan comes out and shows off massively with what he brings to the table outside of doing deathmatches. It was a fast, hard hitting match that made both men look great. 4/5
Grim Reefer vs. 2 Cold Scorpio
This was an okay quicker match. Not a fan of the gimmick here but 2 Cold can still perform well. 2 / 5
Alex Colon (c) vs. Drew Parker (c)
Belt vs Belt match. Drew Parker hasn’t wrestled in America for some time as he has become possibly the biggest US deathmatch guy in Japan and became BJW champ. This was an amazing deathmatch with great story telling with both men putting it all on the line for the belt. It was a bloodbath between the two with blood and glass everywhere. This’ll be one of the matches that gets talked about for awhile. 4.5 / 5
Shane Mercer vs. Atticus Cogar vs. Jordan Oliver vs. Brayden Lee vs. Dante Leon vs. Jack Cartwheel
Solid scramble. Faces the same issue as every GCW scramble of it just becomes chaotic almost too much at points. Everyone looked fine though and the final was just okay. 2.5 /5
G-Raver & Jimmy Lloyd (c) vs. The Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner & Matthew Justice)
Some great spots here. Stapling Mancers tongue to the door and throwing Justice through it was great. The blood flowing down the door looked so good. Super stiff chair shots and working Raver / Jimmys continuing feud into the match was really good. 3.5 / 5
Effy vs. Frontman Jah
Quick match with Effy. Effy is insane over right now with the crowd. Not a bad match, just quick and not super memorable. 2.5 / 5
Nick Gage (w/Dewey Donovan) (c) vs. Matt Cardona
Matt Cardona not only in GCW but in a deathmatch with Nick Gage, who would have ever thought it let alone have the feud be great. Cardona took tubes and glass like a champ, both men bled like stuffed pigs. Bringing 44OH and RSP into it was great in the long term story telling. A really good deathmatch with a great story leading into it. 4.5 / 5

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