Let’s Talk Wrestling : GCW “Dirty Deeds” (2021) Review


Dirty Deeds

Detroit, MI

Nov. 11th, 2021


Tag Team Match
Alex Zayne & Tony Deppen vs. The Second Gear Crew (Effy & Matthew Justice)

This sort of felt like an odd match that didn’t have much planning. Not a whole lot of anything interesting happened and Zayne felt completely underused. Almost like the match was being made as they went but also didn’t have much to do with each other.

1.5 / 5

Singles Match
Gringo Loco vs. ASF

A decent lucha type match here. As good as Gringo Loco is this felt like a slower less impressive bout than he’s shown in GCW. ASF looked somewhat fresh here as himself and Gringo had to take extra time and precaution at moments to set their spots up. 

2 / 5

Tag Team Match
Jordan Oliver & Nick Wayne vs. 44OH! (Atticus Cogar & Eddy Only) (w/Eric Ryan & Gregory Iron)

A somewhat mediocre match with some story told here. Nick Wayne came off looking great however and did have some decent moves teaming with Oliver. Neither 44OH guy did anything too great here but kept it flowing as best they could. 

2.5 / 5

Singles Match
Chelsea Green vs. Allie Katch

Chelsea using the fake arm cast on Allie was a great heel turn. From here though the match just went downhill somewhat. Felt sloppy and sluggish at times with neither really doing anything great against the other. Throw that in with some moves very openly missing or not hitting and this was one that was all story but nothing fun really. 

1.5 / 5

Six Way Scramble Match
Nate Webb vs. Chase Burnett vs. Cole Radrick vs. Brayden Lee vs. Leon Ruff vs. Yoya

One of the better scramble matches GCW has had in some time. Kept the pace moving fast and had a lot of great spots and moments (minus that Nate Webb opening which was awful). Yoya looked great here but the real star was Leon Ruff who looked like a million bucks. Really hope to see more of him soon. 

4 / 5

Singles Match
Alex Shelley vs. Matt Cardona

Well both Shelley and Cardona can actually go in the ring so for most of this match to be such a slug was a shame. Once the run ins start though the match is just a quick burst of fun however which nearly levels out the rest of the match being awful for no reason. 

3 / 5

Death Match
Rina Yamashita vs. Charli Evans

Fun deathmatch between Rina and Charli. Rina a pro in deathmatch and Charli a new breakout star gave it a good story with heart going into this. A slower paced deathmatch with some time between spots and build up to it but both show here why they will be big names in deathmatch. 

3.5 / 5

Tag Team Match
Alex Colon & Masashi Takeda vs. G-Raver & Jimmy Lloyd

A fun deathmatch tag match with Colon and Takeda taking on Raver / Lloyd who filled in last minute. Nothing really out of the ordinary here and it moved from spot to spot nicely. Lloyd / Raver have become the safe go to tag deathmatch team when needed, even if it makes no sense based off of their ongoing story feud. Raver bled great here taking the brunt of the damage while Colon seemed to take it much easier than usual. 

3.5 / 5



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