Let’s Talk Wrestling : AEW Dynamite – Episode 115 (12.15.2021) (Review)


Episode 115 “Winter Is Coming”

Garland, Texas

Dec. 15th, 2021



AEW World Title Match
Adam Page (c) vs. Bryan Danielson

What a match and opener to the show. After Danielson has went through the Dark Order to get to Page. This match while fantastic did drag at times to get to a 60 minute draw time limit. Had some fantastic spots but a lot of dead moments between them. The end however drew the energy up some and had the crowd going a lot. It’ll be great to see their next bout. 

4 / 5

Singles Match
Matt Sydal vs. Wardlow (w/Shawn Spears)

Sydal gets done dirty in a squash where Wardlow continues his attempt to look dominate. 

1 / 5

Singles Match
Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida

 A solid match between two women who we don’t get to see a lot of. Serena has some good technical skills and Shida sold her leg injury well throughout. Wish we’d see more of both. 

3 / 5

Dynamite Diamond Ring 2021 Final Match
MJF vs. Dante Martin

Martin here got to show off some of his incredible moves here. With some more polishing he’ll be set for great moments in matches soon. Thankfully he got to shine a lot here. MJF was good as always and plays his part to perfection. 

3.5 / 5

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