JCW Bloodymania 15 (Wrestling Review)


Bloodymania 15

Thornville, Ohio

Aug. 6th, 2022


Battle Royal
Officer Colt Cabana vs. Tarzan Duran vs. Cheeseburger vs. Arthur McArthur vs. Kaplan vs. Malcolm Cambridge vs. ??? vs. Alex Stretch vs. Calvin G. Lewis vs. Lady Blakely vs. Matt Odom vs. OX vs. Super Humman

Well to start this show off the camera is just on a tripod from sitting behind commentary only and commentary isn’t mixed into this, we simply hear it over the speakers during the show. Crowd is insane disrespectful one match in throwing drinks and food at guys in the ring constantly. This was a horrible rumble match with just tons of random people in there. No good spots happened and the camera angle means you don’t see a ton. 

.5 / 5

Singles Match
Kongo Kong vs. Santana Jackson

A horrible comedy match that went too long. 

.5 / 5

Tag Team Death Match
Mad Man Pondo & Necro Butcher vs. Derek Dillinger & Jimmy Lloyd

This was a fine deathmatch / hardcore match. Some decent spots and at least was most competent. 

2 / 5

Singles Match
Sinn Bodhi vs. Funny Bone

God this dragged on and was so boring. 

.5 / 5

JCW Tag Team Title Match
The Brothers Of Funstruction (Ruffo The Clown & Yabo The Clown) (c) vs. The Ugly Ducklings (Lance Lude & Rob Killjoy)

Technically this was fine. Just boring and simple really. 

1.5 / 5

Three Way Electrified Cage Match
Delirious vs. Vampiro vs. Joshua Bishop

Crowd was beyond dead for this. Electrified cage match was simply a cheap cage with the sprinkler machines that bands use hanging on the cage that randomly spit a few sparks. Boring, Vampiro looked drunk or something, and just dragged on even at around 10 minutes. 

0.01 / 5

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