Invent Animate have quietly (read: loudly) become one of progressive metalcore’s most exciting bands

Few bands in heavy music leave the kind of impression that progressive metalcore band Invent Animate do upon first listen. Even the band’s earliest material gave listeners the feeling that they were going to propel the genre to new heights. All three of their full-lengths continued to build on the formula, with even subtle ambient + post-rock tendencies coming to the surface. It’s something bands are shockingly loathe (lol) to develop more often, which is a shame since mastering ambient soundscapes and calmer moments makes almost any band sound more versatile.

It all coalesced in 2021 with a short EP, The Sun Sleeps, As If It Never Was. It’s basically what happens when a band tackles the art of storytelling, and transforms the music into something perhaps more cinematic, especially in terms of their overall ambition.

As the band’s fourth full-length approaches in March, though, the band’s newest songs reach some seriously dizzying heights in all facets. Newest single “Immolation Of Night” displays just how ferocious – and cinematic – progressive metalcore can be. You’ll believe us when you see the video for it. From a technical standpoint, Invent Animate continue to fire on all cylinders as well. Well-placed breakdowns that aren’t overused and huge, bright melodies have become a staple of the band at this point, and neither traits are utilized ineffectively. Former Aviana vocalist Marcus Vik has also come into his own here, replacing Ben English (who was also quite the vocalist), and has completely galvanized the band as well.

While progressive metalcore is quite a crowded subgenre of music today, it’s bands like Invent Animate that continue to breathe life into a genre that often gets criticized for hackneyed song structures and singing that blends in. Invent Animate, thankfully, are neither. If anything, it’s continually impressive just how many jaw-dropping moments even the subtleties of their music contains.

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