Inclination deliver a slab of metallic hardcore and tackle the opioid crisis with new song, “Epidemic”

You likely know the name already, but for the uninitiated, Inclination are a metallic hardcore band from Kentucky. If you’re wondering why the band delivers heavy riffs in an endless supply, it’s because one of the band’s two guitarists is Isaac Hale of Knocked Loose.

Unabashedly straight-edge (if you couldn’t tell by the title of their 2019 EP, Midwest Straight Edge), the band’s new song “Epidemic” also features Tom Sheehan of Indecision – undoubtedly a full-circle moment for the band. It’s off the band’s upcoming debut full-length album, out this October. Listen loudly and enjoy.

About the new song, vocalist Tyler Short had this to say:

“The message in ‘Epidemic’ stems from the wanton destruction brought on by the pharmaceutical industry in the United States. Politicians and policy makers happily look the other way and get rich while the opioid crisis kills tens of thousands of Americans every year. Tom Sheehan from Indecision recorded a part on the track and his unmistakable voice and style really amplify the frustration and desperation conveyed throughout the song.”

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