Impact Wrestling Slammiversary 2023 (Wrestling Review)

Impact Wrestling


Ontario, Canada

July 15th, 2023


Ultimate X Match
Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA vs. Mike Bailey vs. Jake Something vs. Alan Angels vs. Kevin Knight

This was a fine Ultimate X match but no where near the best. It was quicker than expected and for everyone focusing on Jake Something so much I never once thought he was a credible threat to the match. It did have its spots though and was fine. 

2.75 / 5

Impact Knockouts Tag Team Title Match
The Coven (KiLynn King & Taylor Wilde) (c) vs. Killer Kelly & Masha Slamovich

By the end this was better but it just was never anything too great. It is nice to see Kelly and Masha win as they could end up being a credible tag team. 

2.5 / 5

Tag Team Match (Special Enforcer: Darren McCarty)
Bully Ray & Deaner (w/Kon) vs. Eric Young & Scott D’Amore

This was a goofy match that was barely a match as it is. Ignore the stories too as Eric Young returned “from the dead”. 

2 / 5

Impact X-Division Title Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. Lio Rush

A squash as Lio attacked Sabin before the match then pinned him. Assume Sabin is injured. 

.5 / 5

Impact World Tag Team Title Four Way Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Brian Myers & Moose vs. Rich Swann & Sami Callihan vs. Subculture (Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews)

This was a fun nonstop spot match. A lot of high flying and thats pretty much all there was. It was fun though for being that. 

3.5 / 5

Singles Match
Frankie Kazarian (w/Traci Brooks) vs. Eddie Edwards (w/Alisha Edwards)

These guys can have a solid match in their sleep but this was just okay. It was a good back and forth but it just started to drag on a bit much. 

2.5 / 5

Impact Knockouts World Title Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Trinity

Another match that was good not great. Athena and Deonna can both go but this just never hit that top tier level. Giving her the belt though is a smart choice. 

3.5 / 5

Impact World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Nick Aldis

Shelley getting the belt was fine but he just doesn’t feel like the main event champ leading your company. Aldis is a guy who is fine in ring but just can never get a crowd to enjoy him so this was a tough main event. As a match it was fine but it just never felt engaging. 

3 / 5

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