Impact Wrestling – Over Drive 2022 (Wrestling Review)

Impact Wrestling 

Over Drive

Louisville, Kentucky

Nov. 18th, 2022


Tables Match
Bully Ray vs. Moose

A pretty boring back and forth here for Mooses first tables match. The ending was meant to feel big and emotional but came off just feeling like a mediocre end to a less than stellar match. 

2 / 5

Impact Knockouts Tag Team Title Match
The Death Dollz (Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie) (w/Rosemary) (c) vs. Savannah Evans & Tasha Steelz

An okay womens tag match. Taya is clearly the stand out of the match here and has the upbeat moments in an otherwise somewhat slow match. 

2 / 5

Singles Match
Mickie James vs. Taylor Wilde

A more traditional style womens match here. Some good wrestling throughout but dragged just a little bit at times. 

3 / 5

Impact World Tag Team Title Match
Heath & Rhino (c) vs. The Major Players (Brian Myers & Matt Cardona)

A standard tag match here really. Everyone got a little moment in but it ended up being nothing too amazing. 

2.5 / 5

Impact X-Division Title Tournament Final Match (vacant)
Black Taurus vs. Trey Miguel

A fantastic match here between these two guys. It had a good pace and pulled out the big spots when needed. The close falls had the crowd going too and the cheap finish worked here. 

4 / 5

Impact Knockouts Title Last Knockout Standing Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Masha Slamovich

This was a match that suffered from having no blood and being too long. At almost 22 minutes it dragged on too many times throughout their spots. It had its moments though but with less time could have been better. 

2.5 / 5

Impact World Title Match
Josh Alexander (c) vs. Frankie Kazarian

Over 30 minutes here between these two vets and it never felt slow. So much heart and emotion here between Frankie and Josh for the title that it could go either way at any time. The close falls had the crowd going here and this should be one of Impacts best matches of 2022.

4.5 / 5

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