I Set My Friends On Fire prove they’re marketing geniuses by purchasing the WWWY Festival domain name

Nobody can say that experimental rock/post-hardcore band I Set My Friends On Fire aren’t marketing geniuses, if we’re being honest. Known for their crazy antics and music that goes anywhere at the drop of a hat, the band took this experimentation to a new level earlier this week.

The tl;dr version is this: after When We Were Young Festival was announced in Vegas later this year (featuring pretty much any band who’s ever played Warped Tour, and lots more), ISMFOF took the prescient move of purchasing the WWWYF domain name and directing it to their own Facebook page. The results have been absolutely unreal, as you can likely tell. To be fair, the festival’s domain name is www.whenwewereyoungfestival.com, but it’s close enough that they’re reeling in tons of new fans anyway. The band even photoshopped their name on the festival poster, which leads to our next bit of info we’ve recently found…

An inside source from LN’s booking team has confirmed to us that the band is set to announce a festival appearance on February 1st, but have not confirmed or denied if it is When We Were Young Festival, although we have been led to believe it is. Could it be that their strategy has worked? I guess we’ll find out next month.

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