Hype Watch: Never I

Take Underoath give it a modern feel and add some cool dudes to the mix and you have Never I. A local band from North Carolina they show off an amazing live show and a ridiculously good EP. Stay tuned after the jump as we explore this quintet.

This group has an EP under their belt along with a recently released single. The immediate appeal of this band is that their sound is almost nostalgic. Brings you back to the early days of post-hardcore and it sounds amazing. Touching again on the live show they present, it is insanely fun and full of energy. My favorite part of their set of course has to be the cover of Writings on the Wall by the legendary Underoath. This is seriously one group that needs to be bigger. With success in touring out of state they show that they are a name to be noticed and a love towards their fan base makes them that much more appealing. If you are looking for a band that gives it all and appreciates every single one of their fans check out Never I.

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