Greta Van Fleet Gives Melbourne a Stunning Performance on Starcatcher Tour

By Olivia Burns


On the 27th of August, Melbourne’s Margaret Court Arena played host to the final leg of Greta Van Fleet’s Starcatcher tour around Australia. The band hadn’t visited this side of the world since 2019, so this was definitely a long overdue show for the Michigan rock band, joining them on this tour was The Velveteers. 

The arena started filling up as 3 piece band The Velveteers up on stage. The band consisted of a singer and then a drumming duo, each having their own set of drums in front of them, was definitely something you have never or very rarely get to see. They showed great energy as they opened up the night, getting the crowd pumped up. 

Fans with signs in hand pressed up against the barrier eagerly awaiting for the main event to start as folky whimsical music played loudly over the speaker.

The music changed, the lighting went up as figures appeared on a platform behind the drum set. The figures waved at the crowd as the sea of people erupted in screaming. Drummer, Daniel Wagner took his place at his kit and the band opened up the night with ‘The Falling Sky’. 

I haven’t ever been able to use the word ‘stunning’ to describe a concert before however, this is what my experience with a Greta Van Fleet concert was. Everything about them is stunning, from their shimmering rhinestone covered clothing, to their electric performance and sound. Josh Kiszka is truly gifted with an extraordinary voice, with the ability to reach notes that very few can do continuously with every single song, he hits these notes so effortlessly. 

Their setlist covered a great majority of fan favourites including ‘Safari Song’, ‘Black Smoke Rising’ and of course ‘Heat Above’ one of their most well known tracks. During the set, lucky fans received white roses and smiles from Josh as he made his way along the barrier. What strikes me while they’re up on stage is the pure joy and the energy they’re radiating as they’re performing. Long riffs are a large part of the band’s sound which gives each member an opportunity to showcase their talents by getting their own solo moments.

“Ending” the night on ‘The Weight of Dreams’ to which Josh introduced this song as a beacon of light during the hard times. The song finished off with a long intro and they escaped off stage. 

Fans started shouting out for one more song and of course the band obliged and gave us a little bit more to enjoy. ‘Light My Love’ being one of them, which I personally love, along with many of the fans singing along. Now it was the final song, ‘Farewell for Now’  to which they said it was very fitting as they said they’ve had a great time here in Melbourne. 

Now let’s hope the song title rings true and it is really ‘for now’ and they’ll be back soon and not leave it 4 years between tours. 

I am totally blown away by Greta Van Fleet, their show exceeded my already high expectations and I already can’t wait for new music and await their return. 


Photo Gallery : Greta Van Fleet – Margaret Court Arena (08.27.2024)

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