GCW Keep In Touch (2024) (Wrestling Review)


Keep In Touch

Indianapolis, Indiana

March 2nd, 2024


GCW Tag Team Title Match
Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) (c) vs. Gahbage Daddies (Alec Price & Cole Radrick)

Violence Is Forever is a good team and has some good team work moves so this was a solid opener. Nothing amazing but better than opening with a scramble match or something. 

3 / 5

Singles Match
Brayden Lee vs. Joshua Bishop

This was fine for what it was being pretty much a prolonged squash. 

2.5 / 5

Singles Match
Myron Reed vs. Jack Cartwheel

A super fun spot match between two guys that can move and flip around. 

3.5 / 5

Singles Match
Billy Roc vs. Billie Starkz

Billies flip onto the outside apron was rough looking. Otherwise this was just mediocre at best. 

2 / 5

Six Man Tag Team Match
Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) & Oni El Bendito vs. Young Dragons (Ace Perry, Josh Crane & Tripp Cassidy)

A lot of team moves and spots here where everyone got their stuff in. Fun for what it was. 

3 / 5

Singles Match
Steph De Lander vs. Sawyer Wreck

5 minutes and a lot of it was just nothing happening. 

1.5 / 5

Singles Match
Calvin Tankman vs. Alex Zayne

Another shockingly good match. I feel like Tankman hasn’t been around much anywhere I’ve seen and Zaynes latest run has been nothing special but both guys put on a great match here. 

3.5 / 5

GCW World Title Match
Blake Christian (c) vs. Arik Cannon

Blake is still a boring champ but the crowd is against him as always. Cannon was a good guy to face Blake and his style here worked well. 

3 / 5

Tag Team Match
The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch & Reed Bentley) vs. Maki Death Kill (Maki Itoh & Nick Gage)

A pretty basic hardcore brawl. Gage didn’t do much and Itoh was fine with Reed and JWM bleeding some. 

2 / 5

Singles Match
Nate Webb vs. Mance Warner

This was an okay match. Webb was cheered for here and did some good spots. Nothing amazing here but a fun match for a legend. 

3 / 5

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