GCW “56 Nights” (01.01.2023) (Wrestling Review)


56 Nights

Atlantic City, New Jersey

Jan. 1st, 2023


Singles Match
Cole Radrick vs. Masha Slamovich

Good to see Cole and Masha do a non deathmatch match to remind everyone they can go in ring. This was quick and action packed which is exactly what both do best as slow isn’t their style. 

3.5 / 5

Singles Match
Nick Wayne vs. Leon Slater

This was a really fun fast match here. Leon looked great here even looking hurt during it. Wayne continues to impress in matches like this. Would love to see Leon against other fast spot type guys. 

4 / 5

Do Or Die Six Way Scramble Match
Willie Mack vs. Joey Janela vs. Tony Deppen vs. Jordan Oliver vs. Blake Christian vs. Alec Price

A decent scramble with a better second half. Some good spots here but I just hate the formula of a GCW scramble mostly. 

2.5 / 5

Four Way Match
Dark Sheik vs. Maki Itoh vs. Billie Starkz vs. Sawyer Wreck

Maki Itoh here was a complete joy here. The match itself was okay, nothing particularly great. 

2.5 / 5

Death Match
Mad Man Pondo vs. Matt Tremont

Tremont bled a ton here. Some really good and insane looking spots here. Pondo hits his usual marks even if he isn’t exactly agile in the slightest. Tremont made sure to make up for it though. Bit of a lackluster finish based on everything that happened though. 

3.5 / 5

30 Person Do Or Die Rumble Match
Facade vs. John Wayne Murdoch vs. Dark Sheik vs. Willie Mack vs. El Mago vs. Ciclope vs. Miedo Extremo vs. Matt Tremont vs. Shane Mercer vs. Sam Stackhouse vs. Yoya vs. Tony Deppen vs. CPA vs. Effy vs. Mance Warner vs. Cole Radrick vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Allie Katch vs. Jordan Oliver vs. 1 Called Manders vs. Billie Starkz vs. Blake Christian vs. Masha Slamovich vs. Alec Price vs. Starboy Charlie vs. Nick Wayne vs. Dyln McKay vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Kerry Morton vs. Leon Slater

Kerry Morton playing super heel only to finally get in the ring to quickly get thrown out worked great. Blake being the mega heel at the end though was great. The final 5 minutes or so of the rumble were fantastic. Overall its hard to rate hour + long rumbles as there’s so much dead time throughout. The other major issue is seeing almost half the rumble consist of people who wrestled already. 

2.75 / 5

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