Fit For A King deliver more high-octane metalcore with ‘The Hell We Create’ – stream it here

A few things are certain in life. Death, taxes, and Fit For A King releasing a new metalcore record every 2 or so years. Currently on the biggest tour of their careers as support to I Prevail and Pierce The Veil, the band has a new album out in the form of The Hell We Create. Is it good? Well, it’s pretty solid in that it treads mostly familiar ground.

You’ve got your softer songs, some mid-tempo standard fare, and of course, songs made directly for the moshpit. “Falling Through The Sky” might be the biggest song off the album, with stellar production and almost exclusively singing. Oh but don’t worry, there’s a breakdown.

Give it a spin and let us know what you think. Few bands in the genre are as reliable at delivering the metalcore goods.

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