Anarchy Rulz
St. Paul, Minnasota
Oct. 1st, 2000
Not a bad opener at all. Fast paced and just 4 lower card guys trying to go all at it to blow the roof off the building for them.
3 / 5
A shockingly fun match. Another two guys that didn’t do much but had a fast paced spot filled match here.
3 / 5
Thankfully they kept it short for this.
.5 / 5
A brawl that just sort of just happened and made no sense. There was blood and Balls was there selling, then not selling, then selling again randomly.
1.5 / 5
Both guys really made sure to have a good match. Corino was great in ECW around this time and matches like this showed it.
3.5 / 5
A fine match. Some good blood and spots but nothing special or memorable.
2.5 / 5
Two guys who were known for good to great matches just putting on something sub par. It had its moments but never felt like either guy were truly trying their best here.
2.5 / 5
It had its moments but also was a bit too slow sometimes. The ending was a bit too much as well given what this match was. It sent the fans home happy though and Lynn deserved the belt.
2.5 / 5