April 24, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Contest and Poll Announcement


We are starting a poll in a week (May11th) for the Top 10 Unsigned Bands Nationwide!!! Any band of any genre can enter as long as you are unsigned. The top ten bands will all be featured on the site like last year. But here is the twist. Each top ten band will have a interview, a full Bio on our website and get airplay on www.sickworldradio.com.

Once that is done the readers will then again vote out of the top ten. The winner of the second round of voting will be offered a record contract from Drop A Records!!!

PRETTY AWESOME RIGHT!! Here is where we need your help. Please share this status anywhere you can this week. If you would like to enter your band in the first poll please email Imastain78@gmail.com with band name, genre, location and a band link. All that do this will be entered in the first round.



New Fury Media