Chevelle is, without a doubt, one of rock and alternative metal’s more consistent bands. Really, with their 2002 sophomore album Wonder What’s Next, the band became a cultural touchtone of sorts – merging obvious Tool and Helmet influences and coalescing them into accessible alt-metal soundscapes. Most of the band’s most popular songs (“Send The Pain Below”, “The Red”, and “Closure”) stem from this album, but Chevelle’s consistency is such that each record they produce has been quite good – and often spectacular. Take 2016’s roiling album opener “Door To Door Cannibals” (off The North Corridor), for instance. Bone-crunching riffs start the song, and doesn’t really let up in the interim. Neither does the more experimental Sci-Fi Crimes, or even the popular Hats Off To The Bull.
It’s with that being said that a new album from the band has been in the works for quite a while now – fans have been waiting since 2016 – and it appears a release date for a new Chevelle record is imminent as well. At least, according to the band. They’ve also debuted an acoustic version of a new song, “Endlessly”, which will appear on the upcoming record as well.
Posting a mock “interview” on socials recently, the band did indeed confirm that their new record is “finished”, and they’re shooting a video for the first single next week as well. Furthermore, album details will be finalized relatively soon. In other words, if you’re a Chevelle fan, it’s time to be excited.