Alpha Wolf pull the ultimate power move by calling out a music venue that takes merch cuts – in their own venue

Considering their experience in the music industry, Australian metalcore band Alpha Wolf have certainly seen a plethora of predatory industry practices over the years. Venues who siphon off merch cuts from hard-working touring bands is just one of those many practices, and it’s a growing problem as well.

Lots of music venues, unfortunately, utilize this as a way to fill their coffers with an inability to promote the shows they host. Fortunately, Alpha Wolf are one of the ballsiest bands in the scene right now, and they absolutely do not give a fuck about calling a spade a spade.

The band proceeded to call out a recent venue they played at on their current North American tour – as well as the venue they were performing in itself – for taking 20% of their merch cuts on a nightly basis. In the video, it’s unclear what venue that it was taken from, unfortunately – but the point still stands. Considering how far a band like Alpha Wolf (and all the touring bands involved) travel to pack out venues on a nightly basis, merch cuts are absolutely poison. Especially when there’s plenty of other ways bands are getting shafted and expenses having to be paid off.

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