April 19, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Alex Koehler details new project Grudges, discusses struggles with depression: “I’ve been struggling with depression…for a long time”

It’s always tough to admit your shortcomings and struggles in life, and our favorite musicians are no exception. Former Chelsea Grin vocalist Alex Koehler, who parted ways with the veteran deathcore act just yesterday, has both announced a new solo project (Grudges) and also detailed his struggles with alcoholism and depression. Alex has addressed the latter in a statement on Twitter, which you can read below – it provides valuable insight into what some of your favorite musicians might just be going through, even if it’s not said out loud. While many long-time fans of the band may be upset at the decision to part ways with Chelsea Grin, it’s certainly the best outcome for all – and especially for anyone who is struggling with depression and substance issues in this way.

New Fury Media