A really solid match between two good guys. Ishii worked well with Cole here even if Ishii is used to more or less not selling most. The crowd seemed into it and the ending worked with Cole being a heel and made Ishii still look good.
3 / 5
Simple dominate squash.
.5 / 5
It had good momentum in parts with good in ring story telling but Garcia just does nothing for me. He works well but there is just something missing with him that doesn’t pull me in and it showed here.
2.5 / 5
Matches like this show how bad / new in ring Jade is. They clearly wanted Marina to be a threat here but the crowd never went for her or this match at all. Jade can’t sell well at all or carry an in ring story injury when someone is working a body part either. This went far too long and just showed every fault so clearly.
.5 / 5