Dark : Elevation
Boston, Massachusetts
April 11th, 2022
Teddy didn’t look bad but this was a pretty quick squash.
.5 / 5
Super quick and not a total squash as D’Amboise got some really good looking moves in. Still almost too quick to really do much with.
1.5 / 5
For being a 10 man tag this was just too quick and too crowded. Rules sort of just went uncalled for and it could have used more time.
2 / 5
Another man that was just too quick for so many people. It ends up being a thing where some people get left in the back and a 3 minute match with 6 women just makes no sense. It was okay but they could do this match with their eyes shut.
2 / 5
Jora got in more offense than expected and looked decent against Penta. You knew Penta had it though and the crowd was behind him.
2 / 5
A solid match and I liked the finish for Top Flight. Comoroto are well is looking better in ring and I’d like to see more of him soon.
2.5 / 5