The Northern delivers hope with soaring new single “Drown”

Following the success of Usurper, Canadian metalcore group The Northern continues their upward trajectory with the release of their latest single “Drown”. The anthem delves into themes of finding hope amidst darkness, featuring dynamic instrumentals, emotive lyrics, and captivating melodies.

Lead vocalist Mike Cutway shares his inspiration behind the lyrics, expressing a desire for a glimmer of hope during tough times: “It was a self-reflection on how I was feeling. I wanted something to give me a glimmer of hope in a negative moment in time when all I wanted was things to end. I knew that if I remained optimistic, I may find a light in the darkest of times.” Drummer Adam Linka further expands on the song’s message, exploring the struggle of facing adulthood and the contrast between childhood optimism and the harsh realities of life: “It’s about drowning in your own negative thoughts and the growing pains of becoming an adult, realizing what life is all about. How when we’re kids anything seems possible, we think all people have good intentions, we’re filled with imagination and optimism, only to find out the world can be an ugly and scary place sometimes. The take away though, is that life can still be beautiful and that everybody goes through hard times. Live in the present and don’t let your past consume you.


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